Gerontología - Universidad Maimónides

« Arte, el mejor estímulo para la memoria | Página Principal | Congreso “Abordaje Sociosanitario en Gerontología. El equipo interdisciplinario y la integralidad” »

International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics VI EUROPEAN CONGRESS

Healthy and ACTIVE ageing for all Europeans
In the framework of the United Nations Research Agenda on Ageing for the 21st Century
July 5 - 8, 2007
Saint Petersburg, Russia

President Vladimir Anisimov
Vice President Vladimir Khavinson
Executive Manager Olga Mikhailova
3, Dynamo Prospect, St. Petersburg, 197110 Russia
Organizing secretariat: Phone/Fax: +7 (812) 235-1832 +7 (812) 230-0049